jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009


A. suraka female ex. ovo 12.6.07 Tanzania1.

It shuold be fascinating the world of shadows, where it is another side of life and where silence and colors also are shaken in search of perfection.

Horst works in his laboratory with insects and plants, trying to rescue that inner world we ignored and it scares to us: the color is also life and this one follows its own rhythm , far from us, however under our responsibility in front of the world.

It is in our hands the future of the planet and hopefully we would have enounght wisdom to give this world to our children better than we received from our parents. Meanwhile Horst will stay in his laboratory, that dark room, with his camera, just as an old alchemist, trying to decipher mysteries of life.

Dirphia subhorca male 8.11.07 Durango - Esmeraldas e.o.

Copia de Eacles imp. cacicus 2.11.07 Misahualli e.o.

Copiopteryx semiramis andensisc female Agosto 07 Mompiche.

A. batesii batesii skin.

Automeris postalbida final instar 28.11.07 Mompiche - Esmeraldas.

4 comentarios:

Anonymous dijo...

Bonito mensaje fuerte. Nunca pensé que era tan fácil. respetos a usted!

Anonymous dijo...

respetos al fotógrafo! Horst, más que un artista, es buena gente.
Gracias por sus comentarios y feliz año nuevo!!


Anonymous dijo...

Waw. Glad to hear so nice comments. Hope we will have more information soon

Anonymous dijo...

Hello. And Bye.